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FIA Institute establishes youth helmet standard

2nd November 2007

The FIA Institute has concluded a groundbreaking project to develop a crash helmet specifically for use by young drivers.

In just two years, the FIA Institute and its partner the Snell Memorial Foundation have created a new Youth Helmet Standard, designed for the physique of two age groups: seven- to 11-year olds and 12- to 16-year olds.

Few people in the industry theorised that a young driver’s helmet should not be just a smaller version of an adult one but that was a key discovery made by the FIA Institute and its partners. This project is the first of its kind to develop safety equipment specifically for young drivers.

Professor Sid Watkins, FIA Institute President said, “The Youth Helmet project demonstrates the FIA Institute’s commitment to rapid progress. Not only has it broken new ground but it has done so in record time. This is testament to the important research work carried out by FIA Institute project manager Andy Mellor as well as by motor sport medicine experts Dr Terry Trammell and Dr Steve Olvey, both Fellows of the FIA Institute.”

Initially, the Karting Research Group worked in conjunction with the Open Cockpit Research Group and Fellows of the FIA Institute to progress the project. A huge amount of data about children’s head mass, head geometry and the changes that occur with growth was then collated and analysed.

Three dimensional models, representing the average size, shape and mass of a youth’s head, were created and then sent to technical partner and helmet manufacturer Osbe, who styled them into full working prototypes. The shells and liners, to FIA Institute specification, were tested by Italian-based Newton-Milan and the best solution helmet specifications were agreed, together with the principles for joint FIA-Snell certification.

In conjunction with Newton-Milan, the FIA and Snell have also created a single international agreement on how the helmets should be tested.

Dr. Hal Fenner, president of the Snell Memorial Foundation, said: "The partnership between Snell and the FIA brings together two organisations committed to promoting safety. The new Snell-FIA CMH2007 will deliver safer, lighter helmets for young drivers."

In working with the Snell Memorial Foundation, the FIA has transferred the technology from the FIA 8860 specification helmet used by Formula One drivers, to develop a safer, lighter and more affordable helmet for grass root competitors. The FIA is now working with the world’s leading helmet manufacturers to accelerate the global introduction of the new jointly certified FIA-Snell youth helmet.

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