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Ford Dagenham's eco-efficiency drive

12th July 2007

New figures from Ford's award-winning Dagenham Diesel Centre reveal that 6,500 tonnes of CO2 a year are avoided by wind turbines installed over three years ago. Ford Dagenham's other eco-efficient processes prevented over 12,600 tonnes of waste being sent to landfill for disposal.

The Business Commitment to the Environment group had already highlighted in June Ford's environmental plan behind Dagenham's new 1.4/1.6-litre engine line with a premier award.

Ford Dagenham's eco-efficiency drive was also nominated at Business in the Community's national ‘Awards for Excellence 2007’ gala this month, attended by former US Vice President Al Gore and BitC President the Prince of Wales.

The 1.4/1.6 assembly engine line is in Dagenham Diesel Centre, Ford's only wind-powered plant in the world, which is powered by 3.6MW capacity turbines producing over 6,000,000 kWh of renewable electricity. Ford Dagenham's gas and electricity bills are also down, by 12 per cent, thanks to a strict focus on energy intensive operations such as the generation of compressed air for handheld tools on the production line.

The diversion of 12,620 tonnes of Ford Dagenham waste from landfill is principally divided between the recycling of dried fluids and of old concrete for the new production floor. Metal filings and other waste from the machining process are squeezed dry of lubricants and sold on as briquettes for recycling. When Dagenham Diesel Centre was being prepared for its new 1.4/1.6 line, alongside the existing 2.7/3.6 facility, 20,000m2 of old concrete was broken, pulverised and reused for the production hall floor.

Metal-working fluids and their associated waste are potentially the most damaging environmental factors associated with engine production. Fluids used during the machining of new Dagenham-built engines are now blended from vegetable rather than mineral oil. Because vegetable oil-based lubricants are used at reduced concentrations compared with conventional fluids, coolant consumption is down from 350,000 litres in 2003 to 204,000 litres last year. Combined oil conservation at Ford Dagenham exceeds 500,000 litres per year.

Ford's eco-efficiency is delivering a positive environmental impact plus a £3,400,000 annual benefit.

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