AIGT Complete Report
The Automotive Innovation and Growth Team (AIGT) was chaired by Sir Ian Gibson and reported on 16th May 2002. This is the full set of reports produced by the group.
Actions for Sustainable Transport
This is the report of the 'Integrated Transportation Chain Futures Task Force' which was set up by the Office for Science and Technology (OST) to look at the future development of transport in the UK.
Automotive Intelligent Transport Systems in Britain
The brochure highlights the three core characteristics of communications, information and integration within the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), also known as transport telematics.
Driving the agenda
This is the first report of the Cleaner Vehicles Task Force (CVTF) and is essentially an introduction to its work, membership and initial recommendations.
EEMS - Energy Efficient Motorsport
Energy Efficient Motorsport (EEMS) is a programme to develop green technologies using motorsport competition. This brochre reports on the first full year of the EEMS programme, funded by Motorsport Development UK.
EEMS Brochure 2007
The EEMS 2007 Brochure
EEMS Brochure 2007 - Accessibility Version
This is a version of the 2007 EEMS Brochure specifically produced for the visually impaired.
EEMS Feasibility Study
The report outlines the results of a feasibility study into energy efficient motorsport (EEMS). This report led the Motorsport Competitiveness Panel to recommend the creation of a full EEMS programme.
Environmental impacts of Motor Manufacturing and Disposal of End of Life Vehicles
The report examines how the production of vehicles affects the environment and looks at the measures being taken to limit and reduce these impacts by both Government and industry.
ITS in the United Kingdom Today
This 2004 publication provides a summary of the UK's innovation and experience in the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
The report details the results and recommendations of a study to find the most effective solutions for reducing emissions from in-use vehicles.
The Government's Motorcycling Strategy
This strategy for motorcycling is for England1 and it applies to on-road motorcycling.
The Transport Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department for Transport and its associated public bodies. This is the seventeenth report of the 2003-04 Session. The Report, together with formal minutes.