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Advanced Search Form

The Advanced search form has four fields, not all of these have to be completed. However, by combining the fields the accuracy of the search can be greatly improved.

  1. The first field is 'Search with all of the words'. This will allow you to search for a series of words throughout the web site. For example if you were to search for car, Birmingham and production, the results would display only content containing all of these words.
  2. The second field is 'Search with the exact phrase'. This will allow you to search for a phrase throughout the web site. If you search for the phrase "car production in Birmingham" the results would display any content containing that exact phrase, but not pages containing the individual words which make up the phrase.
  3. The third field is 'with at least one of the words'. This will allow you to search for a number of words throughout the web site. For example, if you were to search for car, Birmingham and production, the results would display any content containing one or more of these words.
  4. The fourth field is 'search without the words'. This will allow you to search for content that does not contain certain words.
  5. The next part of the form has three check box's. These can be used to control where on a page the search looks for the criteria set in the first four fields. The check box's are automatically ticked to allow the search system to look everywhere it can. You can untick any of the check box's to suit your particular requirements.

  6. After choosing where on the page the search will look you can select how you would like your results ordered, here you can select to order your results by date or by there relevance to the search criteria

  7. The final part of the advanced search form allows you to select which sections of the site the advanced search will search through. To start with all sections of the site will be selected, uncheck the box's next to the section names to remove them from the search.

  8. To start the search you must click the 'Perform Search' button at the bottom of the search box.

To go to the advanced search page, click here

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