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Future Fuels in Motorsport

19th June 2007

Motorsport Technology Centre
Oxford Brookes University
Wheatley Campus

Find out about what the future holds for fuels in motorsport at this free EEMS seminar on the opportunities and challenges of alternative fuel technologies in motorsport. With presentations from key industry figures, the seminar will provide the opportunity for teams, championships, suppliers and engineers to find out the latest on the role of alternative fuels in motorsport.

The seminar will be held at the Motorsport Technology Centre at Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus. It will include an overview of developments covering sustainable options such as bioethanol and biodiesel, hybrid technologies and electric power systems. It will also consider the options and the implications for regulators and scrutineers and will include presentations from early adopters - the technical and administrative problems they have faced, the solutions they have chosen and the benefits they have reaped. With opportunities for questions and networking, the seminar is bound to stimulate lively debate and to highlight the key issues for future fuels in motorsport.

The seminar is free of charge but places are limited. To register, please click here and complete and submit the registration form.

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