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Mosley denies need for FIA reform

2nd January 2008

In an interview with the UK’s Guardian newspaper, Max Mosley, the president of the Paris, France based FIA, rejected a call from the former world Formula One drivers champion Jackie Stewart for changes to the way in which the organisation governs international motorsport and for Mosley to step down.

Mosley told the Guardian, "Dear old Jackie. He knows nothing about sports governance. Because he never stops talking, he doesn't know much about anything, actually. He just talks.

"So when people like that say it, you think, 'I just can't.' It's very childish, I suppose. The real moment to go is when you lose interest in your ideas. As far as I go, the only thing that keeps me doing it is new ideas and new technologies and steering the thing in a sensible direction. That's the motivator."

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