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Vauxhall Motors’ Ellesmere Port plant is Energy Efficiency-accredited by Carbon Trust

19th June 2007

Since 2003, the Vauxhall/Opel Astra assembly plant at Ellesmere Port in Cheshire has halved the amount of energy needed to manufacture each vehicle and total site energy consumption has fallen by 30% despite an increase in production volume - an achievement now recognised by the Energy Efficiency Accreditation Scheme (EEAS), the UK’s independent benchmark for energy efficiency in industry. The EEAS is owned by the Carbon Trust and independently moderated by the Energy Institute.

To receive the accreditation, Ellesmere Port had to maintain and improve energy management, be at the forefront of new energy saving initiatives and encourage staff and the local community to be energy-aware. The Site Utilities Manager, Colin Hawthorne, will receive the certification on behalf of Vauxhall Motors, Ellesmere Port at a ceremony on 19th July.

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