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Formula Woman adopts bio-ethanol to improve motorsport image

23rd March 2007

The UK’s 2007 Formula Woman race series will be contested by cars using E85 bioethanol making it the first UK race series to be run wholly on a fuel derivevd from renewable resources.

Steve Hindle, the managing director of Hyperion Motorsport that operates the fleet of Caterham Roadsport cars that are used in the Formula Woman series told Autosport magazine, “When we considered how our competitors would find sponsorship we found that an increasing number of businesses have a negative perception of motorsport. This combined with the growing debate on green issues, meant that we had to find a solution so we looked into the possibility of using renewable source fuels.

“We’re happy to take the first step by racing on E85, but this is only the first step and we’re already looking to commence fuel reduction tests.

“In the current political climate motorsport is a soft target. Either we create and drive the agenda or we’ll become subject to legislation.”

The Formula Woman series has also become an EEMS Campaign Partner.

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