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Van operators want fuel and CO2 data from manufacturers – Fleet Van conference

27th November 2007

A straw poll among the 170 delegates to last week's Fleet Van conference showed that almost without exception they wanted van makers to come up fuel economy and CO2 data along the lines of the figures provided for cars.

From 1 January 2008, all new vans will have to be tested according to a New European Driving Cycle, a car standard that combines both urban and sub-urban driving, unladen. At the moment there is no obligation for van makers to publish the data, though it seems to the SMMT’s CV Newsbrief that this is likely to change.

Operators acknowledged that data derived from unladen driving tests would be a little unrealistic, but felt it would be better than nothing. The first Fleet Van Conference, sponsored by Volkswagen was held last week at Millbrook, organised by the trade paper Fleet News.

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