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European Commission publishes Euro V1 emissions limit proposal for trucks and buses

27th December 2007

The European Commission has proposed to reduce emissions from trucks and buses of nitrogen oxides by 80% and particulate matter by 66% compared to the Euro V stage, by 2013. The new ‘Euro VI’ standard foresees limit values similar to those of the U.S.A, and directives (which need to be transposed in 27 different national legislations) will be replaced by regulations which are directly applicable in all EU member states.

Besides more stringent limit values, the Euro V1 proposal introduces provisions on off cycle emissions, on-board diagnostics, access to repair information, durability of pollution control devices, replacement pollution control devices, conformity of in-service engines and vehicles, carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption measurement, and the introduction of a particle number limit value.

The proposal, which has been subject to stakeholder and internet consultations, will now be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. The proposal and its impact assessment are available at:

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