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Toyota Fund for Europe supports new European schools energy saving competition

30th November 2007

Toyota Motor Europe’s charitable fund and the Eco-Schools International Programme have launched a new European competition, challenging schools to come up with creative ideas to reduce energy consumption within their local communities. National juries in six European countries will award a total of €120,000 in grants to the most innovative proposals, giving students the opportunity to turn their ideas into a working community project.

One school in each country will be crowned the National Winner for the best use of their grant, and short-listed for the pan-European title. The competition will target up to 300,000 students from around 1,800 schools in Italy, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Turkey and Portugal.

This is the second time Toyota has hosted a competition as part of the Eco-Schools' Environment and Innovation Project.

Toyota Motor Europe and Eco-Schools’ first Environment and Innovation Project competition awarded a UK primary school the top prize for the pupils’ idea to reduce local traffic congestion earlier this year. The Toyota Fund for Europe (TFfE) and Eco-Schools, an international programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), have been working together since 2005.

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