The Automotive Innovation and Growth Team (AIGT) was chaired by Sir Ian Gibson and reported on 16th May 2002. This item includes the Executive summary and four detailed reports. Key recommendations include:
- The establishment of an Automotive Academy to take the lead in process improvement activities across the automotive sector
- Increased funding for Supply Chain Groups allowing them to work across regional boundaries. Supply Chain Groups provide expert support for firms involved in the production of a particular component to help them work together to improve efficiency.
- The establishment of Centres of excellence to take forward work in the key areas of Low Carbon and Fuel Cell technologies and Transport Telematics and Technologies for sustainable mobility.
- Setting up a pilot mobility services project in London and another city with the aims of accelerating the adoption of low pollution vehicles and demonstrating new approaches to providing mobility.
Individual reports and the Executive Summary can be accessed in MS Word format from the 'download' link above.